The Blog

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stay healthy doing it.

Train Your Brain to Build Resilience emotional wellbeing relational wellbeing

How quickly do you bounce back from adversity? Your capacity to recover quickly from difficulties reflects your resilience. Some of us may be quite good at it, but others of us likely struggle. The...

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Who's Filling Your Bucket? emotional wellbeing relational wellbeing

If I asked you to name your mentor, could you do it? Do you have one? Can you picture their face or hear their voice? Or are you still waiting for that right someone? If you don't...

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Emotions and Our Five Senses emotional wellbeing

Have you ever caught a whiff and been instantly transported in time? Ever hear a song and instantly recall a person or event? These sensory experiences often lead to a strong emotional response and...

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Say Goodbye to Normal emotional wellbeing

There are moments in life that shift our future. Sometimes we choose them. More often we don't. A global pandemic was likely not in your plans for 2020, yet because of it your future looks...

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Express Your Emotions for Better Wellbeing emotional wellbeing physical wellbeing relational wellbeing spiritual wellbeing

How well do you express your emotions? Do you find it easy to put your feelings into words or keep them bottled up? If your default is to hold them all in,  you are likely not...

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Consider it Pure Joy... Really? emotional wellbeing spiritual wellbeing

I'm not a fan of hard seasons. Trials and temptations? I'll pass thank you very much. My head and heart have a hard time heeding the Biblical  mandate to "consider it pure...

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Swap the Scale for This Instead habits physical wellbeing

Do you get on the scale daily? Are you loving (or hating) your day based on the number glaring back at you from that little platform on your bathroom floor? It's time to swap the...

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Leading a Strengths-Based Team in a Pandemic leadership relational wellbeing strengthsfinder

Under the best of circumstances, being a leader isn’t always easy. In 2020, it’s become even more challenging as the world navigates crisis upon crisis and leaders are forced to make...

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